Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Blog

First, let me make clear that I never thought I would have a blog. Up until this point, the way I have viewed it is this: if someone wanted to know my thoughts on a matter, they would ask me. That does not happen on a regular basis.

But, since being smartly routed by a re-frozen mesophilic bacteria during Phase II of the Cheddar Project, I realize it can be awkward for one to ask the seemingly innocuous question “how’s the project coming?” - and then be forced to listen to a dissertation on any number of technical thunderclaps I failed to anticipate in the initial planning phase of whatever my prevailing interest may be.

So, right now, Cypress Canoe will serve as an open door to my shop. If anyone wants to know what I am up to on the project front, they can have a look. Also, I am looking to build a strip canoe out of cypress. Although not much of a deterrent in real life, the eventuality that anyone in the world may happen by my "shop" and see that I have made no progress on *insert project here* may keep me somewhat honest.

In addition, BG got a Blog and he gets to go on great trips – post hoc ergo propter hoc.

1 comment:

ePublius said...

Nice set up man! You going to post some cheese recipes when you get it nailed down?